Sanders Appeal Dates Confirmed

Posted on 19th June, 2019


UPDATE 16 SEPT 19: New Inquiry dates set





Jump to Chronological Appeal Updates - inlcuding BAT, BOB & BPC


UPDATE 25 JULY 19 Unfortunately this Appeal has been adjourned due to the illness of a key witness. It will be rescheduled as soon as possible but August/September doesn't look promising. However, the Inspector will facilitate reconvening the Appeal as soon as possible


UPDATE 23 JULY 19: Weston Mercury publish "'Alien' looking housing plan to go before inquiry this week"


UPDATE 17 JULY 19 200 Houses Appeal Update (BAT)


UPDATE 19 JUN 19: BristolLive pubish "Six-day planning inquiry on plans for 200 homes in north Somerset village"


UPDATE 12 JUN 19 "BPC 200 Houses Public Meeting Update"



North Somerset Council has sent out a letter to all interested parties in the appeal of the Land Off Bleadon Road - "Outline planning permission for the erection of up to 200 dwellings, a Health Centre, a Doctors Surgery, retail outlets and office/employment space with all matters reserved for subsequent approval." Application Information 


"The Inquiry will commence at 10 o'clock on 23 July 2019 and will be held at: Town Hall, New Council Chamber (Old Town Hall Entrance), Walliscote Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1UJ.


The Inquiry is scheduled for 6 days (23 to 26 and 30 and 31 July). If you want to, you can attend the inquiry. You can also ask the Planing Inspector to allow you to give your views ..."


Below is a video guide that gives an overview of what happens and how to take part.



"If you are disabled, or anyone you know who wants to attend the appeal is disabled, please let ... [NSC, Rob Worgan, Appeals Officer] know. ... [he] will then make arrangements to ensure that access is provided.


Copies of statement and other appeal documents submitted by ... [NSC] and the appellant, as well as any further comments submitted, are available for viewing ... [on the NSC website]. You may also inspect the planning file at ... [their] offices (08:45 - 17:00 Mondays to Thursdays, 08:45 - 16:30 Fridays). Due to the volume of work, it is advisable to make prior arrangements.


If you require further information about the process of an appeal the Planning Inspectorate has a booklet entitled "Guide to taking part in planning appeals"..." 


More information can also be found here.  Information about Bleadon Action Group (BAT), BPC, and their Appeal/Rule 6 activities summarised here


NB Openness and transparency (Appeal & Rule 6 Guides) "Inquiries are open to journalists and the wider public, as well as interested people. Provided that it does not disrupt proceedings, anyone will be allowed to report, record and film proceedings including the use of digital and social media. Inspectors will advise people present at the start of the event that the proceedings may be recorded and/or filmed, and that anyone using social media during or after the end of the proceedings should do so responsibly"






DateUpdate By:Comment
11 Nov 19BPC(Min 328.5) "To receive the Chair’s Announcements, including update on recent Appeal (Ref18/00054/AT02). The Chair gave a brief synopsis of the Inspector’s various visits to the village in respect to the appeal. She thought it pertinent to note that the Inspector had on a number of occasions referred to the Village Plan in his summaries. A question was asked as to who had penned the submission allegedly from the Parish Council as clearly it had not been discussed at a previous council meeting. The answer given certainly not anyone currently on the parish council." So how was a route submitted to the Appeal in BPC's name and go unchallenged by BPC when the BPC Chairman added to the route, also with the same header and footer as BPC's unminuted Revised Appeal submissionNB: the NDP survey results were referenced not the Adopted Village/Parish Plan, which BPC stated it lost in Apr 2017 (Open Forum)?
Nov 2019BPC(BVN114) "Second Part of the Hearing about the Houses on the Fields" including the link between the Appeal Submission and BPC's Neighbourhood Plan and related working group in the Newsletter Introduction page (Unminuted submission deadline stated to be 06 Nov 19)
18 Oct 19BOBThe 7 day Inquiry concluded. The Inspector hopes to give his decision by Christmas but, as this reconvened Inquiry has been slotted back into his workload, the result may not be known until the New Year. BOB's draft Inquiry notes were posted.
18 Oct 19BATBAT comments on the new Ecology Note
17 Oct 19BPCBPC Chairman submits resident walking route additions to the Inspector - although not discussed and/or no minuted as approved by BPC full council?
14 Oct 19BPCNo documented discussion or comment on 15-18 Oct 200+ Houses Appeal?
10 Oct 19BATBAT reposts BOB Facebook post re: amended site plan and Appeal start dates.
09 Oct 19BOBThe developers submit a revised indicative site plan to the Planning Inspector with new green space, two ponds and less housing.
17 Sept 19BOBSome residents receive letters, "If you want to you can attend the Inquiry. You can also ask the Planning Inspector to allow you to give your views..."
16 Sept 19BPCBPC website home page states, "The Inquiry started on 23rd July and Cllr Gill Williams read out the parish council's statement - you can read it here. The Inquiry was adjourned and will now resume for one day on 18th October." - i.e. the revised unminuted as approved version.
16 Sept 19BOBNew Sanders Appeal Dates Confirmed - four days starting 15 October 2019 over two different venues
09 Sept 19BPC (Min 326.14) "17/P/5545/OUT 200 homes, off Bleadon Road (appeal Inquiry adjourned)"
03 Sept 19BPC(BVN113) BPC publish revised Appeal Statement including incorrect response rate.
20 Aug 19BPCAppeal not on Extraordinary Meeting Agenda (Ex-Min 325.13)? Added as after-thought to the minutes "17/P/5545/OUT 200 homes, off Bleadon Road (appeal Inquiry adjourned) NOTED" Noted?
26 July 19BPCBPC website home page states, "The Inquiry has now been adjourned with no date set, although it is likely to be at least three months away"
25 July 19BOB BPC submit an unminuted Revised Appeal Statement to the Inspector on the morning it was read out at the Appeal (See 08 July 19 below and BOB Appeal Notes)
17 July 19BATBAT 200 Houses. Facebook Appeal Update - BAT speakers and topic areas.
08 July 19BPC (Min 324.3 & Min 324.10) "To Approve the Parish Council’s statement regarding the Planning Appeal (200 homes off Bleadon Road) and To Appoint a councillor to attend. The proposed statement was circulated. The aim is for BPC to categorise BPC’s stance and to not contradict or duplicate what BAT have submitted. AGREED that Cllr Williams will attend to read the statementAGREED that the statement will have appendices: the Survey Responses, BPC’s original objection, and a few pertinent photos. AGREED that Cllr Williams and Clerk will finalise the documents and liaise with NSC regarding how many copies are needed, and for whom" (Original version unpublished by BPC? See unminuted Revised version submitted to Inspector 25 July 19 above?)
19 June 19BOBSanders Appeal Dates Confirmed
18 June 19BOBThird Party Representations submitted to the Appeal indicates BAT has stated that it "will continue as an interested party and not a Rule 6 party" as dated 28 Dec 2018. No BPC subsequent update on this change of status despite 5 Cllrs on Council? (See 28 Dec 19 below)
12 June 19BOBBPC 200 Houses Public Meeting Update
06 June 19



 Minutes of BPC 200 houses Public Meeting. NB: BPC Clerk informed BOB that, "The meeting on 6 June was not a council meeting and there is no formal record of who attended. Some people signed an attendance sheet but not all. Any councillors present were there as residents. I attended in order to make notes for my benefit, and the meeting agreed that I could capture key points; the meeting agreed the points I read out as captured. It is not on BPC head paper in order to ensure that people do not think it is a formal BPC meeting. I know that is stated in the note but I think a visual clue helps to distinguish between the two sorts of meeting. " (See 11 Feb 19 below?)
May 19BATBAT 200 Houses public meeting in Bleadon Coronation Hall 03 June at 7:30pm
12 Mar 19




 Planning Inspectorate Screening Letter "... the proposal would not be likely to have significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: The development is relatively small in scale and there would be no likely significant impacts in terms of noise, water, contamination, flooding, traffic, ecology or archaeology Given the nature and scale of the proposed development and the nature of the receiving environment it is considered that while there may be some impact on the surrounding area as a result of this development, it would not be of a scale and nature likely to result in significant environmental impact. EIA is not required ... (This direction does not affect any duties of the appellant under other legislation, including The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017.)"
11 Feb 19BPC(Min 319.7BPC to "a) to a arrange a public meeting on 6th June (7pm, Coronation Hall) to let residents know the process regarding the Appeal (200 homes off Bleadon Road) and to seek their views in order to craft the Parish Council’s response, and to include documented statements. b) Nominate one councillor to speak at the Appeal on behalf of the parish. c) BAT and BPC to co-ordinate regarding their responses, in order not to duplicate" (See 06 June 19 note above)
24 Jan 19BOBAppeal date set 23 July 2019
14 Jan 19BPC(Min 318.10"The Appeal is in July 2019 and it was AGREED to defer the discussion to a Planning Committee meeting in the near future in order to have time for a full debate. Clerk to arrange".
(28 Dec 19)BOBNot publicly declared but via Third Party Representationssubmitted to the Appeal posted on NSC 18 June 19, as of 28 Dec 18 BAT withdraw as a Rule 6 party but submit an Interested Party Statement of Case No BPC or BAT subsequent update on this change of status despite 5 BAT members sitting as Cllrs on Bleadon Council?
(10 Dec 18)BPCNB: "... the Parish Council cannot provide finance for any campaign against a developer in relation to planning applications." (Chairman, Finance and Personnel Committee verbally stated but undocumented until BPC 08 Apr 19 APM).
10 Dec 18BPC(Min 317.9 & 317.10BPC meet BAT & NSC on 6 Dec. BPC Rule 6 involvement put on hold seeking advice. (28 Dec 18 BAT send NSC letter withdrawing as Rule 6 Party, see above? No subsequent BPC update on this change of status despite 5 Cllrs on Council?)
23 Nov 18BPCBleadon Parish Council (BPC) call an extra-ordinary meeting on Friday 23 Nov 18 to consider Rule 6 Status and to use the Parish Reserves for the Appeal. Also confirmed that "BAT has obtained Rule 6 status" (Min 316.3) (See 28 Dec above)
14 Nov 18BOBSanders Lodge an Appeal
22 May 18BATBAT public meeting update at the Youth Club. Group renamed to Bleadon Acting Together (BAT)
15 May 18BATBAT submit an objection to NSC re: 200 houses application via a professional consultant.
10 Apr 18BOBOutline Application for 200 Houses and other facilities with deadline for comment 03 May 18. 
14 Nov 18BOBNSC Decision on Sanders Fields Housing Appealed
17 Sept 18BOBNSC Refuses 200 Houses in Bleadon
08 May 18BPCBPC agree to object (Min 308.6) to application and submit a response to NSC
06 Sept 17BOBSchool and 250 Houses Planned - Update



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