JSP Update

Posted on 4th July, 2019




UPDATE 07 APR 2020: "On 7th April 2020 the four councils wrote to the Inspectors to confirm the withdrawal of the Joint Spatial Plan from examination"


UPDATE 11 SEP 19: JSP Hearing Documentation, Inspector Letter 1 & Letter 2 in relation to "West of England Joint Spatial Plan Towards the Emerging Spatial Strategy Document" 

In summary the Hearing found "... that an enormous amount of work in relation to these issues alone is needed to produce a plan for the West of England which is likely to be capable of being found sound ... We anticipate that the changes necessary would amount to the virtual rewriting of the JSP ...  we remain of the view that withdrawal of the plan from examination is likely to be the most appropriate option"

Reference also to "NSC Statement of Community Involvement". See also "Joint Spatial Plan Wider Bristol HMA Strategic Housing Market Assessment Volume Two" and Helen Wilson Consultancy Website



The following are extracts from the Bristol Live artile "Where 105,000 houses will be built in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire"


"Home builders are calling for the housing target to be boosted to 140,000, while opponents say the councils’ target overestimates demand.


Others have questioned why the councils chose the 12 “strategic development locations” and questioned if the decision was politically motivated.


Critics said the approach across the West of England was inconsistent - three authorities chose sites within the green belt but North Somerset Council did not. Representing the Churchill and Langford Residents Action Group (CALRAG), Hashi Mohamed said the council’s decision to “leapfrog” the green belt and propose SDLs in Churchill and Banwell was the “elephant in the room” ... Mr Rivett acknowledged residents’ concerns about the "stark contrast" in the approaches the councils had taken to the green belt ... Numerous submissions to the JSP called for the green belt to be reviewed.


TRAPP’D co-chairman Colin Gardner said the SDLs had been chosen for “political convenience”. He criticised the consultation process, which he said was either impenetrable or "like talking to a brick wall", adding: "The authorities knew what they wanted to do.” They said: “If the unitary authorities had truly engaged with local people, in the beginning ... we could have constructively moved forward with contributing to plans to achieve the aims. Unfortunately, they didn’t and still are not doing so.”


JSP Hearing Schedule

The first two days will look at legal compliance and the scope of the plan.

Thursday, July 4, will consider the housing requirement.

Next week the focus will be spent looking at the strategic development locations, or SDLs, the exceptional circumstances for building in the green belt, and the spatial strategy.

Further hearings are planned in September and October.


A decision is not expected before the end of this year."


Link to previous JSP BOB Blog Unprecedented Public Participation for JSP Local Plan Examination


General JSP Information

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