Councillors Set 2021 Bleadon Budget

Posted on 6th January, 2021



UPDATE 18 JAN 21 - BPC confirms and posts a Bleadon in Bloom budget of >£10K. Also, that "The Bleadon in Bloom group does receive a grant from the council but other than that it is not run by the council. A representative from the council keeps us up to date with the Bleadon in Bloom group but it is independent of the council. However they are happy for us to share their budget on the Parish Council web site as it was submitted to the Parish Council." This seems contrary to how the finances are recorded below, i.e. £8,466 (Open Spaces) + £1,406.18 (EMR) + plant sale? When was the project handed over to an 'independent goup'? When were grant applications submitted and what were the conditions?


UPDATE 07 JAN 21 - The undocumented Bleadon In Bloom Working Group requested a budget of £3,284.50 as submitted to the undocumented Budget Working Group  This was agreed and put to full council and posted on the BPC website as £3,284.50, but the budget is also rumoured to be in the order of £10K after the full council meeting in Dec 20?



Bleadon Parish Council has just published its 2021-22 budget information as seen below, creating a budget of £68,637, as agreed at December's full council meeting (Min 338.7.4), including detail by cost centre. There appears to be confusion between the different sets of budget information. 


This budget was discussed by councillors in a closed, unminuted working group, with unknown membership (compare the range of financial information available in 2018-19 from BPC's Finance & Personnel Committee minutes, that was open to the public June, Nov, Jan).


Last year's precept/Bleadon residents tax, was £50K, but it is unclear at this point how next year's £69K budget will be financed from precept, reserves and/or other income (PDF). "Parish and town councils raise their money primarily from a levy called a precept. We [NSC] collect the precept on behalf of town and parish councils and pass it on to them." A list of other precepts within North Somerset can be seen on page 20 of the NSC Council Tax Guide 2020-21).


Previous year's budget information can be found on here.(note that BPC has not released budget information for years 2016-2019, nor do these seem to have been agreed in full council?), with previous precept information here. Summary payments for 2020 up until 30 Sept, and Reserves infromation, can be seen here.


NB: BPC has disbanded its standing committees without explanation, i.e. there are no meetings for the Finance & Personnel, Planning or Open Spaces, removing these councillor discussions and related information from residents.


BPC's next full council meeting is next Monday 11 Jan 2021 at 7pm via Zoom.

 (Above table from Draft Dec 20 Mins as published 06 Jan 2021 on BPC website)

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