Bleadon Fracking Licence Suspended

Posted on 3rd November, 2019




The government has ended its support for fracking in England on the basis of new scientific analysis, published 02 Nov 19, stating that "until compelling new evidence is provided ... we should put a moratorium on fracking in England with immediate effect".


FFEQS state, "Anti-fracking campaigners up and down the country are cautiously celebrating after the government announced a moratorium on Fracking ... We'll be keeping a close eye on events and will continue to campaign until the licences have been revoked ...", including the fracking licence for Bleadon and surrounding communities!


More locally, district councils, such as Somerset West and Taunton, and Sedgemoor, along with Town and Parish councils such as Clevedon, Kingston Seymour and Bleadon have all made 'fracking' declarations. In Feb 19 North Somerset Council also declared a Climate Emergency


This year AIDA reported, "Four separate countries make up the UK. Of them, England is the only nation that still allows hydraulic fracturing; Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (along with a host of other countries worldwide) have banned the controversial process", with the United Nations recommending that the UK, " ... consider introducing a comprehensive and complete ban on fracking", summarised here


A related BBC article states, "The government has called a halt to shale gas extraction - or fracking - in England amid fears about earthquakes. The indefinite suspension comes after a report by the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) said it was not possible to predict the probability or size of tremors caused by the practice." 


Drill or Drop report that, "The safety regulator for the nuclear industry has no information about the risk of earth tremors from fracking near the Hinkley Point power station". It is worth noting that OGA work "... with the industry and government to maximise the economic recovery of UK oil and gas.", and that the government issued 'fracking' licences for Bleadon and surrounding communities in 2016. 


In March this year the High Court ruled that the government's fracking guidelines in its National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) were unlawful. This followed industry and public NPPF feedback, with local authorities, such as North Somerset, opposing "... any proposal for shale exploration to be allowed to bypass the authority’s planning system through permitted development." 




For more information see BOB fracking page and previous blog Are Earthquakes part of Bleadons Future?

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