Purn Way Application - Dec 2018

Posted on 11th January, 2019


Purn Way 16 Houses



UPDATE 15 JAN 20 - See BOB comment below re: mis-communication and subsequent frustration on social media with regards this application.


UPDATE 13 JAN 20 - See BAT comment below who want "... to find 10 people who want to see an election for the remaining seats on the Parish Council ..." in order to represent the 'village'.


UPDATE POSTED by NSC Highways 06 JAN 20 - "ADDENDUM Dated 30.12.19 ... The application is therefore now for 14 properties with revisions to the internal road layout ... no highways objection to the application"



UPDATE 14 JAN 19 Bleadon Parish Council Min 318.7

"18/P/5035/OUT - Land Off Purn Way. Proposed erection of 16no. dwellings.

Cllrs Williams and Sheppard visited the site. The site is between the settlement boundary and the allotment gardens. The density appeared to be appropriate for the site and should include affordable units. Bearing in mind that the village has limited options for sites for growth, the application was recommended for approval.


Councillors noted that BPC objected to the previous application and it was suggested that BPC should do so again to be consistent, using the same comments because the application did not address those original concerns. It was noted that NSC has approved applications outside settlement boundaries. Concerns were raised regarding ecology protection, traffic and flooding. It was AGREED to object to the application (3 [BAT] votes for object, 2 votes for neutral).


Standing Orders suspended: Cllr Porter advised that objections needed to cite planning reasons rather than simply dislike of the application. Standing Orders resumed." See current and previous submissions.

UPDATE: 08 JAN 19 Bleadon Acting Together (BAT) sumbitted a commissioned independent Ecology Report to NSC.



A new "Outline application for the proposed erection of 16no. dwellings with matters of appearance, landscaping and scale reserved for subsequent approval", outside the Settlement Boundary. As of Jan 2020 the application is for 14 dwellings.


Comments deadline is now Friday 08 February 2019, was Monday 14 Jan 2019. Here is the link to the application 18/P/5035/OUT on North Somerset Council Planning website.


If you prefer to post your comments then the postal address is:  

North Somerset Council

Development Management

Post Point 15

Town Hall


BS23 1UJ 

If you do make comments on this BOB blog (below), please also make sure that they are made to, and appear on, the North Somerset website link as above. As otherwise they will be ignored by NSC.


Archaeology Report


Link to previous application.




BPC Submitted Obection

Coronation Hall Coronation Road Bleadon BS24 0PG (Objects)

Comment submitted date: Mon 14 Jan 2019 

"At the meeting on 14th January 2019 Bleadon Parish Council resolved to object to this application. The Parish Council objected to the previous application on this site and the primary objections remain, namely that the site is outside the settlement boundary of this infill village, that the roads in the immediate vicinity are inadequate and additional traffic will put unacceptable strain on the existing roads, and that the ecology of the site will be damaged.


In addition, the current village infrastructure is not fit to support this size of housing development. Parking of vehicles is currently an issue on Purn Way for residents and visitors to the meeting rooms at the Post Office. The A370 Road junctions are currently dangerous and additional traffic will exacerbate the problem.


The sewerage system is currently at capacity and additional dwellings will add additional pressure to the system. An increase in flooding to the bottom of the village may occur as the field has no proper drainage. The development does not contribute to sustainability in the village - there are no schools or doctors and only one shop in Bleadon."



"The applicant has submitted revised plans for the site layout as there is a need for an ecological buffer along the northern and eastern site boundaries. This has resulted in a new layout with two fewer dwellings on the site. The application is therefore now for 14 properties with revisions to the internal road layout. The site now being served by a simple T junction with spur roads from each side. For the number of properties proposed the revised site layout is acceptable to highways.

Additional Note: Home to School Travel. New housing developments must be mindful of proximity to local primary and secondary schools. In the event of a development being unable to provide a safe walking route or exceeding the statutory walking distances, North Somerset Council may seek recompense to mitigate the need for school transport. Details of the Council’s home to school transport policy can be found on the North Somerset Council’s website.

There is currently home to school transport provided for the dwellings in the areas surrounding the proposal site due to these dwellings exceeding statutory walking distances and because there are no safe walking routes. The applicant should be aware that S106 contributions for home to school transport would be required.


Recommendation Subject to the above there are no highways objection to the application."


BOB Comment

There has been a lot of social media activity regarding this site since Monday night's (13/1/20) Bleadon Parish Council meeting (see below).


This application is not new, just undetermined as it is still being processed by NSC, therefore the comments previously submitted will be considered by North Somerset Council. Bleadon Parish Council was asked by attending residents to rediscuss this application at yesterday's BPC meeting, 13 Jan 20 (NB. BPC will probably not publish their associated minutes and comment submission until next month's meeting!). As the recent Sanders Appeal has clearly shown, NSC Local Plan policies, and any fully adopted Neighbourhood Plan, dictate planning decisions. However the NPPF will override North Somerset Council (NSC) if built housing is under the prescribed government quota.


It should be noted that NSC Core Strategy CS17 (Rural Exceptions Scheme) allows for settlement boundaries to be 'flexed' in an CS33 infill village like Bleadon, if the housing proposed is affordable. (See current NSC policy documents).


Reference should also be made to the BPC's responses to the JSP(Joint Spatial Plan) and NSC Local Plan 2036 consultations. E.g. Currently there is housing all along Bleadon's Settlement Boundary, except for the Quarry area. On 10 Dec 18 BPC indicated that a flex of settlement boundary may be acceptable at some point? "The current [NSC] policy should be amended to ensure that the size of any housing development adjacent to the boundary is limited in number to no more than 10% of the existing homes in the parish (currently circa 500 homes)"? However, most of the councillors who submitted this consultation comment have since resigned!


The fundamental creation and adoption of a Neighbourhood Development Plan (unlike a Parish Plan) prescribes that Bleadon identify sites where housing will be permitted. As well as the ongoing maintenance obligation and cost to Bleadon, BOB has always argued that identification of sites by BPC would inevitably create conflict amongst residents... Purn Way would appear to be one of them, but other sites adjacent to boundary have also already been considered for the JSP and NSC Local Plan purposes, as well as BPC's NDP as indicated in its recent grant application submission.


Which development sites are acceptable to residents is the question yet to be asked in the next phase of NDP creation by BPC? NB. Residents have been waiting for a fully informed pros/cons public debate on the Neighbourhood Development Plan project since it was started by BPC in July 2017. 

BAT Comments 13 JAN 20 including former parish councillor comments (post)

"Bleadon Acting Together - BAT 13 January at 21:32 ·

To the parishioners of Bleadon- your depleted parish council has just voted 3-1 to support a planning application for a substantial building development outside the village fence. This is in direct contrast to the wishes of 71 of the immediate residents and in contradiction to the councils own objection lodged less than one year ago. To do this they have ignored the survey results collated in the neighbourhood plan where the overwhelming response was not to breach the settlement boundary. They have set a dangerous precedent for any future building at scale in our parish. We believe that this action constitutes a flagrant disregard of the wishes of the people of Bleadon and calls in the question their capability to represent us."


"Author Bleadon Acting Together - BAT

I suppose the only thing we can do is object to the planning application ourselves. https://planning.n-somerset.gov.uk/.../applicationDetails... Then we need to find 10 people who want to see an election for the remaining seats on the Parish Council - there are 5 seats left. The 10 ask the PC for an election before they can co-opt their friends and family on and continue to work against the village. Then we need people who will go on to the Parish Council - opened eyed and work together. This way the 5 will be able to represent the best interests of the village and will have 6 votes to 3. From all we have looked at this seems to be the only way - unless anyone else knows anything further."

Also see How it Should Work ... BOB Blog.

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Comments (1)

This is ridiculous apart from ruining countryside there are no facilities or public transport available to support this!