Parking Standards Consultation

Posted on 17th May, 2021




Revised North Somerset

Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document Consulation

17 May 2128 Jun 21"... update the existing Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)"


North Somerset Council are inviting you to take part in the consultation: (you need to have a login!!)

"The Council is proposing to update the existing Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The current standards date back to November 2013 and are in need of a comprehensive update, particularly in light of the Council’s 2019 declaration of a Climate Emergency and ambition to be carbon neutral by 2030.


The Parking Standards SPD supports Core Strategy Policy CS11: Parking and sets out the Council’s requirement for all types of parking provision (vehicle, cycle, motorcycle, etc) at new developments. It seeks to ensure that an appropriate level of parking is provided at new developments, and offers clarity for developers, officers and other stakeholders by providing clear and comprehensive guidance.


As part of this review, a variety of updates are proposed including:

  • The introduction of ‘Principle 19: Electric Vehicle Parking’ which sets out minimum requirements for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure at new development.
  • The introduction of ‘Principle 20: Car Club Schemes at New Development’ to ensure the provision of Car Club vehicles at suitable locations.
  • The introduction of a ‘Parking Needs Assessment’ to assist officers in determining a suitable level of parking in areas well served by active and public modes of transport and where car ownership and use is lower.
  • Increases to the minimum number of cycle parking spaces to be required at new developments. Updates to Appendix A (Car and Cycle parking Standards), including introducing standards for sports halls, gyms/health clubs, cinemas and Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMO).
  • A small increase in parking bay dimensions from 2.4m x 4.8m to 2.5m to 5m.

A more detailed report on the proposed updates to the SPD was presented to the Council’s Executive Committee on 28th April 2021. You can read the Executive report here." (17MAY21)



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