(Click map to enlarge fracking licences image)
UPDATE 08 July 19: BPC declare Bleadon frack-free.
Following the public meeting held by Frack Free North Somerset (FFNS) in Bleadon last month, and BOB's subsequent email re: fracking, Bleadon Parish Council has added a 'fracking' item to their July public meeting agenda on Monday 08 July 2019, at 7pm, at the Coronation Hall, Bleadon.
"BPC July Agenda (Min 324.11) To Consider any legislation (new, amended, or potential) affecting the parish. Concern has been raised regarding potential oil/gas exploration being decided at national rather than local level. It has been suggested that the parish be declared ‘plastic free’ and ‘frack free’."
NB: There is an update on the 'risk of drilling in Bleadon' at the Extinction Rebellion public meeting next week. (See extract of p31 of "Table 2: Potential resources of unconventional oil in Somerset")
See also previous West Somerset Fracking Free Proposal and how Public Campaigns do influence Government Policy
For more information visit BOB's Fracking page and Environmental Information table
Related July agenda item Parish Reserves to be Spent. Perhaps "... BPC could better use its reserves for raising awareness and communicating with residents"
Note [1] (June 2019)
BBC documentary posted by FFFrodsham & Helsby - "Ineos imports fracked gas from the USA to produce plastic at its Grangemouth manufacturing complex. The fracked gas it plans to extract in the UK will be used to produce plastic.
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall discovers how the fracking boom in the USA is supercharging plastic production in the UK. He visits the Ineos manufacturing complex at Grangemouth which uses the equivalent electricity as Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen combined to produce a staggering 60-70 billion plastic pellets every day, contributing a third of the 1.8 million tonnes of plastic produced in the UK every year.
He also meets Ineos director Tom Crotty who boasts of already doubling plastic production, with grandiose plans to expand further. If plastic production continues to grow as predicted, it'll be responsible for 15% of global carbon emissions by 2050."
Note [2] (28 July 2013)
"Doreen Stopforth and her husband John live half a mile from an exploratory shale gas well in Lancashire. [see p31 Shareholder letter extract below] The well is likely to be the location of the next use of hydraulic fracturing in the UK. Cuadrilla the operators of the well are seeking to extend their planning permission for the site.
Doreen & John have experienced at first hand the behavior and tactics of the industry when dealing with local residents. Despite their concerns about health risks and pollution Doreen and John have decided not to move away from the area. They along with others formed one of the UK's first anti-fracking groups, Ribble Estuary Against Fracking (REAF) with the sole purpose of informing and warning their community of the dangers of fracking."
Note [3] (03 Feb 2018)
"Dr Geralyn McCarron is a GP who practices in Brisbane. Her primary medical degrees are from the Queens University of Belfast in Northern Ireland; she is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, member of the National Toxics Network, and member of Doctors for the Environment Australia."
Dr McCarron has spent more than five years intimately involved in the experiences of those living in the gasfields of Australia, which places her in a unique position among her peers and certainly well respected by the impacted communities. This experience has led Dr McCarron to provide testimony both nationally and internationally regarding the health impacts of the industry and most recently authoring and publishing a peer reviewed paper.
Extract from p31 of the Infinity Energy S.A to Shareholders 20 March 2019
Page 15 of the Circular states "Available on display at ... [an office in London] ... until 17:00 on 25th April 2019" !
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy 'Beware of the Leopard' springs to mind again.
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