Posted on 2nd September, 2021


"We, the survivors of the atrocities committed against humanity during the Second World War, feel bound to follow our conscience and write this letter"


On 25 August 2021 Holocaust survivors deliver a letter to the European Medicines Agency demanding a Halt to the global vaccination program (PDF)


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The letter was delivered ahead of the anticipated COVID Vaccine Approval in Europe.


From the 25AUG21 Press Release "The survivors charge medical regulators with failing to accurately inform populations. The survivors charge authorities with failing to adequately inform populations of vaccine risks, violating the right to free informed consent under the Nuremberg Code.


The COVID-19 vaccines currently hold Conditional Marketing Authorisation in Europe and will remain in Phase 3 clinical trials until 2023.


The Holocaust survivors write, “Never before has immunization of the entire planet been accomplished by delivering a synthetic mRNA into the human body. It is a medical experiment to which the Nuremberg Code must be applied… We, the survivors of the atrocities committed against humanity during the Second World War… experience a déjà vu that is so horrifying that we rise to shield our fellow humans.”


The authors list 22 serious adverse events that were known to the FDA prior to Emergency Use Authorization yet were not made known to the public... 


“If 80 years ago it was the Jews who were demonized as spreaders of infectious diseases, today it is the unvaccinated.”


The authors, who include concentration camp survivors, their sons, daughters, and grandchildren, state, “It is obvious to us that another holocaust of greater magnitude is taking place before our eyes. The majority of the world’s populace do not yet realize what is happening, for this kind of organized crime is beyond their scope of experience. We, however, know. Some of us have personal memories.” (PDF)


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See also:

  • The Nuremberg Code
    • "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential ... without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision" (PDF)
  • Medical Professionals and Public Speak Out

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