Will Your Insurance Pay Out If You Have the Jab

Posted on 15th April, 2021


Ask your insurer if you are covered if you take the COVID19 vaccination - it seems that some insurance policies do not cover you if you have the jab, as it may be unlicenced and anyone taking it may be considered to be voluntarily taking part in an experimental drug trial


As seen in the letter received by a customer from BUPA below, some people with private health insurance may not be covered for "side effects arising from the COVID19 vaccine'. However, it seems potential injury whilst COVID19 swabbing yourself may be covered, but not if others swab you?


Health, travel, life/death, driving insurance policies usually have a number of exclusions, which may or may not cover you if you have the jab. There are now over 60+ pages of reported side effects to the COVID19 vaccinations, so far reporting 567,000 reactions and 786 deaths, which may or may not be jab related. These adverse effects will need to be investigated over the coming days, weeks, months and years (NB. Not all related side effects and/or deaths are reported via the Yellow Card Scheme).


NB. The government has added COVID19 to its Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme, which gives limited compensation, and has given pharmaceutical companies and a number of related professionals a level of immunity from civil liability. (See vaccine tracker and rollout blogs)



See also:



23 March 21


Dear xx,


Thank you for speaking to me.


I confirm that side effects arising from the COVID-19 vaccine are not covered under our exclusion for: Complications from excluded or restricted conditions/treatment and experimental treatment exclusion.


If you are injured whilst doing COVID-19 swab yourself, cover would be available towards the injury.


I hope this information is helpful. If there is anything else we can help you with, please call our team on the above helpline number.


Yours sincerely,






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